Photo Gallery: Competition Day 6 9th May 2014 Tweet Jordan Mercer from Australia, Isa President Fernando Aguerre and Lina Augaitis from Canada. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Merce andr SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercer, USA - Carter Graves and SPA - Itziar Abascal Women. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercer , Usa Carter Graves and SPA - Itziar Abascal. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercera and USA - Carter Graves. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales BRA - Barbara Brazil. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercer and USA - Carter Graves. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercer Usa Carter Graves. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Mercer Usa Carter Graves. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales BRA - Barbara Brazil. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales BRA - Sinara Pazos. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis , AUS - Shakira Westdorp and SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis, AUS - Shakira Westdorp and SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis and AUS - Shakira Westdorp. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CAN - Lina Augaitis, AUS - Shakira Westdorp. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales CRI - Edith Garcia. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales DEN - Nicoline Rassmussen and Isa President Fernando Aguerre. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales DEN - Nicoline Rassmussen. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales FRA - Celine Guesdon. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales FRA - Celine Guesdon. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales MEX - Gaby Farias. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales GUA - Valerie Slowing Women. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales ISA - President Fernando Aguerre and BRA - Sinara Pazos. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales ISA President Fernando Aguerre and GUA - Valerie Slowing. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales ISA President Fernando Aguerre and ISA Vice President Karin Sierralta. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales ISA President Fernando Aguerre and NZL - Ashley Cochrane. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales ISA President Fernando Aguerre and Phillip Muller. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales MEX - Gaby Farias. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NIC - Ana Venegas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NIC - Ana Venegas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NIC - Ana Vanegas and RSA - Brigette Van Aswegen. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NIC - Ana Venegas and ISA President Fernando Aguerre. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NIC - Ana Venegas and ISA President Fernando Aguerre. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NZL - Ashley Cochrane. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NZL - Ashley Cochrane. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NZL - Ashley Cochrane. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales NZL - Ashley Cochrane. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales SPA - Itziar Abascal. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales RSA - Brigette Van Aswegen. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales SPA - Laura Quetglas and AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales SPA - Laura Quetglas and AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales SPA - Laura Quetglas, CAN - Lina Augaitis and AUS - Shakira Westdorp. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales SPA - Laura Quetglas, CAN - Lina Augaitis and AUS - Shakira Westdorp. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales GRB - Marie Buchanan. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales USA - Carter Graves. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales USA - Carter Graves. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales USA - Carter Graves, AUS - Jordan Mercer and SPA - Itziar Abascal. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales USA - Carter Graves, AUS - Jordan Mercer and SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales USA - Carter Graves and AUS Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales VEN - Edimar Luque. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales VEN - Edimar Luque. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales VEN - Maria Orihuella. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales Women Distance Race Nicaragua Lake. Credit: ISA/Rommel Gonzales AUS - Jordan Macer and GUA - Valerie Slowing. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Macer and GUA - Valerie Slowing. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Jordan Mercer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Audaitis. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Audaitis. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Audaitis. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Audaitis. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle BRA - Barbara Brazil. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle BRA - Barbara Brazil. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle CAN - Lina Audaitis. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Audaitis. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp and CAN - Lina Audaitis Women. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle AUS - Shakira Westdorp. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle CAN - Lina Audaitis Women. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle CRI - Edith Garcia Women. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle FRA - Caroline Angibaud. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle FRA - Celine Guesdon. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle CAN - Lina Audaitis Women. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle CAN - Lina Audaitis Women. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle CAN - Lina Audaitis Women. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle FRA - Celine Guesdon. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle GUA - Valerie Slowing. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle GUA - Valerie Slowing. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle ISA President Fernado Aguerre. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle MEX - Esperanza Mures. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle MEX - Esperanza Mures. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle MEX - Gaby Farias. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle NIC - Ana Venegas. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle NIC - Ana Venegas. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle NIC - Ana Venegas. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle NIC - Maria Venegas. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle NZL - Ashley Cochrane. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle PER - Lizinka Naranjo. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle PER - Lizinka Naranjo. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle PER - Lizinka Naranjo. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle SPA - Laura Quetglas. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle PER - Rocio Larranga and AUS - Jordan Macer. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle Team Nicaragua. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle USA - Carter Graves. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle USA - Shae Foudy. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle USA - Shae Foudy. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle VEN - Edimar Luque. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle VEN - Maria Orohuella. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle Women Long Distance. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle Women Long Distance. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle Women Long Distance. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle Women Long Distance. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle Women Long Distance. Credit: ISA/Michael Tweddle 12►